Today was a no-sail day
due to bad weather. At first, the day was just overcast and cold.
However, by lunchtime there was a light rain, and by half past three,
a full-on thunderstorm had developed. Luckily before the downpour
happened, I had managed to get home relatively dry. I noticed that
the sand-fleas were going absolutely bananas on the sand, hopping all
over the place! No wonder the cape wagtails are so fat and abundant,
with all that food about.
The first lightning
struck as I sat down for a cup of tea, so I opened the net curtains
to see if I could watch out for it. As the storm grew nearer towards
me, the lightning became more frequent and deafeningly loud. I love
lightning, just how dramatic and colourful it is, as well as the
thrill of the loud thunder that follows. I began to unplug all the
appliances and turn off lights as I wasn’t sure South African
electrical wiring was up to any lightning strikes, and didn’t fancy
any surges blowing up my laptop or the T.V. As the storm began to
pass, I decided it was probably safe to plug my laptop back in.
Literally seconds after doing so, lightning struck the sea about 50m
from the shoreline! It sounded like cannon fire. I ran to unplug my
laptop again, just in case of another strike.
After a few minutes, I
heard voices outside the door and assumed Amy had returned, perhaps
with Ed and Anna. However, it was the landlord and lady, who are
absolutely lovely! They had come to check if Amy and I were ok, and
also to bring round a couple of candles, a gas cooker and Anneke (the
landlady, who has a really unusually spelled name, so I just wrote it
how it sounds) had made some ‘mudcake’, which I have just tried a
piece of, and it is gorgeous. It is basically a kind of home-made
chocolate fudge. Amy will have to get back soon if she wants a piece
(joking!). I hope to go over to their house (just in front of ours)
at some point, as Anneke keeps inviting us over for some tea!
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